This past week I was out in Indiana when my check engine light came on the car. 7 hours away from home and having only a basic knowledge of cars, I normally would've freaked out. But this time when it happened, I wasn't alone. I was out with an awesome missionary couple (Greg and Heidi Edmonds) and their little girl, and they ever so sweetly looked out for me. Greg checked the oil while Heidi used my GPS to find the closest Autzone. The two of them helped me get it looked at and made sure I was safe before I drove away.
This isn't the only time that I have seen convenience in the midst of car trouble. Last year, when my wheel bearings were going bad, I happened to lend my car to a mechanic who heard the squeeling bearings and volunteered to fix them for me for free. Another time last year my timing belt broke, the car waiting to totally shut down until I made it off the interstate and into the safety of a Taco Bell Parking lot.
And just last week, the car I was driving lost power steering and all the lights came on when I was again in a parking lot. Had this happened 5 minutes later I would've been on the side of the interstate sitting in the rain. Taken as isolated incidents this stuff seems like a stupid coincidence. But when you look at it together, I can't help but wonder why my car always breaks in the most convenient of manners.
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