A few months ago, I started attending the youth group. I went at first to practice listening to Creole. Sometimes I understood the message, and sometimes I didn't. Most of the time I just came to watch and would have been content to fade into the background. Little did I know, my friends in the church had no intention of letting me lay low.
They immediately began asking me to pass in front of the group. One day they asked for a testimony, another day it was prayer, and still another day they asked me to teach. They made it a point to include me, and continued asking me questions even when I'm sure my responses revealed how lost I was in the language at times. My own shortcomings seemed to have no effect on their insistent invitations.
It may have even encouraged them. In fact, just last week they asked me to preach on the spot at a prayer meeting! This might deter some people, but to be honest, it has done nothing but blessed me.
Through their questions and the way they've involved me, I've experienced new levels of grace and love. The greatness of this grace and love really hit me tonight as I watched 9 youth group members file into my back porch for a special prayer time organized just for me. They came to pray for me before I leave, and in the last hour, I listened totally humbled by the sound of Creole prayers for Se Justine (sister Justine), her family, her fears, her safe trip to the United States, and more importantly her safe return.
At the end, one girl even sang a special song dedicated to me. I cannot express how incredibly humbled, blessed, and grateful I am for these amazing young people and for the picture they're showing me of love and grace.